
Tampere Infrastructure Production

Easier documenting of snowploughing and sanding measures, and investigating slipping accidents

Sanna-Leena Puntola is the head of the maintenance services of Tampere Infrastructure Production. Her unit is responsible for the maintenance of streets and green areas and for the management of sports facilities, swimming places, forests, and tree nurseries. Supervisors of the maintenance services use the Kunto application in preparing self-monitoring reports and verifying completion of winter maintenance measures.

Over the years, the Kunto application has become a valuable tool in processing compensation claims. The application has also made work processes simpler and easier.

Automated storage of history data

Tampere Infrastructure Production acquired the Kunto application for storing history data of maintenance measures in an electronic format. The need for this data storage relates to slipping accidents, some of which were even settled in court. Insurance companies contested handwritten notes on snowploughing and sanding measures, spurring the need for more automatic and easier data collection.

With the Kunto application, storage of history data became automated. The processing of compensation claims is now more flexible, as the data collected by the application can be used as reliable evidence. The exact time and location of comments and supervision rounds made by maintenance staff are recorded into the database of the application, from where they can be retrieved easily even years later.

Compensational claims relating to slipping accidents are sometimes processed a long time, even years, after the event. In such a case it is important to be able to find records of the winter maintenance measures completed at that time, Puntola explains.

Simpler working processes

According to Puntola, Kunto has also simplified maintenance work. The need to enter data into the systems manually has reduced significantly and monitoring of equipment has become easier. Maintenance measures implemented on streets and monitoring reports are visible for both the supervisors and the maintenance service clients through the application. A public view is offered to local residents as a new service. The view shows ploughing and anti-skid treatment measures taken in the city area in real time.

In the future, Tampere Infrastructure Production aims to extend the use of the Kunto application to green area maintenance. The aim is to enhance the use of the equipment through various measures, such as cost-efficient route planning, reporting of usage rates, and monitoring of vehicle transfers. Use of the application will be implemented in close cooperation with Fluent.

Interaction has been open and development has been completed based on our needs, says Puntola.


Tampere Infrastructure Production is a municipal corporation that offers maintenance and construction services, transportation and repair shop services, and geographical information services. Our mission is to plan, develop, maintain, and enhance the living conditions of the residents in Tampere and surrounding areas. Our vision is to be the most highly rated operator in the infrastructure sector in the Tampere region – on both sides of the curbstone.