
Asset management tool makes infrastructure maintenance easier

This year, Fluent Kunto system gets a new asset management tool, which will facilitate and speed up the maintenance of, for example, road signs, railings, culverts and other road-related assets.

Fluent is currently working on a new asset management tool for the Fluent Kunto application, for which there has been a need among customers for a long time. The functions of the first phase of the asset management tool will be available to customers already this coming summer.

With regard to ely roads, all information related to the roads has been collected in a centralized place in the Velho system of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. Municipalities and cities, on the other hand, do not have their own centralized data bank of road data, but they manage and maintain the data each on their own.

The maintenance of all the infrastructure and other assets of ely roads is now managed in one huge Excel chart. We want to bring a more convenient digital solution to this.

“The maintenance of all the infrastructure and other assets of ely roads is now managed in one huge Excel chart. We want to bring a more convenient digital solution to this, which speeds up and makes the contractors’ work considerably easier”, says Jarno Tukiainen, Chief Product Officer of Fluent.

One centralized place for asset management

Since ely and city contracts have their own systems in use, contractors may currently have to use several different systems in their work. Fluent’s goal is to be able to provide one centralized place for both the ely and municipal side to take and import material.

With regard to ely roads, the situation at the moment is that if, for example, a road sign in poor condition needs to be replaced, the contractor will note the matter with, for example, the Kunto application, on the basis of which the necessary follow-up measures will be taken. The person in charge updates the changed data in the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s Excel chart, from where it goes on to the the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s Velho system.

With the help of Fluent’s asset management tool, the information can be obtained directly from the Kunto application to the Velho system in the future, so Excel no longer needs to be run in between.

“Furthermore, the target state is that in the future the Kunto application would show directly on the map, for example, how and where equipment in bad condition should be replaced in one go, which would of course optimize work and facilitate the planning of repair work. It’s not quite there yet, but it would be an ideal situation”, says Jarno Tukiainen.

Asset management is also linked to work management

The most important types of assets, i.e. road signs and culverts, will be available to customers for the summer. Asset types are added gradually according to customer needs. In the first stage, the functions available in the tool are search, add, remove, replace and repair. The functions will also increase later.

Building an asset management tool is a major project at Fluent, which the entire development team has been working on since the beginning of February. There has been an active dialogue with Velho system application developers, road data experts, as well as current and potential future customers.

We are already discussing asset management with city contractors so that their needs will certainly be taken into account.

Although the asset management tool will only be made for ely side in the initial phase of the project, Fluent’s goal is to have the tool available to city contractors as early as possible.

“We are already discussing asset management with city contractors so that their needs will certainly be taken into account”, says Tukiainen.

In the larger picture, the asset management tool will also integrate with Fluent Kunto’s new work management in the future.

“If, for example, the trash can needs to be emptied, the employee could at the same time update the information in the application that the trash can is in poor condition and needs to be replaced”, explains Tukiainen.