
City of Jyväskylä

More active quality control, more unified documentation, and more detailed observations – Fluent Kunto has all the features that are needed in maintenance.

Jyväskylä has a total of around 500 kilometres of city-maintained streets, and almost the same amount of pedestrian and cycling routes. The traffic and green areas unit of the urban structure services is responsible for the maintenance and construction of the city’s street and green areas. Kunto has been used in this service area since 2009 for monitoring maintenance projects.

The city has been pleased with the application:

Kunto has all the features that are needed in these maintenance tasks, including work reports, real-time situational data, reports, comments, and quality inspections,

says the street and harbour master of the service area Jan Viilos.
Viilos supervises public area maintenance projects and represents the client in the city centre area of Jyväskylä. In addition, he is responsible for permit matters relating to public areas and related preparation and supervision.

More detailed observations reduce confusion

The City of Jyväskylä currently manages three different project areas and contractors. Contractors use Kunto when they perform different work tasks and observe maintenance needs, such as knocked-over traffic signs.

Kunto has made recording of observations easier.

Observations are made every day, and processing them by telephone or email is slow and unreliable.

With Kunto, observations are saved automatically in the right location on the map, and photos can also be added. This has made it easier to process matters. According to Viillos, more detailed information is now acquired of measures that are needed at the worksites, which reduces confusion.

Better quality assurance and documenting

As a client, the City of Jyväskylä or the street masters and those responsible for the green areas use Kunto to make observations and for quality control purposes. Monitoring ongoing work tasks is especially important in the winter maintenance season. The software is also used for monitoring e.g. street works and unauthorised use of the areas.

According to Viillos, Kunto has enabled more active monitoring of work tasks and better documenting and reporting of measures.

Kunto application has improved quality control and made documentation more uniform and precise.

Customer service supported by history data

Every year, there are several slipping accidents in Jyväskylä, the treatment of which is often very expensive. Compensation claims on slipping accidents are processed in the service area where also Viilos works. The traffic and green areas service area gets a statement from the contractor managing the area based on need.

Kunto is also used when questions submitted by local residents regarding the maintenance of and measures taken on streets are being processed. A simplified version of the current situation view of the Kunto application is in use at the Hannikainen service point, which shows ongoing work tasks and recently completed maintenance measures. The real-time customer support view makes it easier to reply to at least some of the customer feedback and contact requests.

Kunto has made the reporting of completed measures easier. Processing of compensation claims, replying to feedback, and other investigations that are to be carried out after the event would be difficult and time-consuming without accurate data of how matters had been managed.


The City of Jyväskylä is an attractive centre of growth in the heart of Finland, with a population of 140,000. The urban structure department is responsible for e.g. management, planning, construction, maintenance, and waste management of the city’s land, forest and water areas, and for the tasks required of municipal authorities by the Water Management Act.